So excited about this and the speakers. I want this retreat to be something that everyone can afford. And for those who are ready I want to stoke the fires within and have you bursting out fully rejuvenated.

But you know what.

If you are just tired, and exhausted, and although you may long for that ability to burn alive maybe you just want to not feel like crying.

And I get that. That is what Creative Mermaids is about. It is about the truth, Not just the shiny end where everyone is dancing about in their full power and life (and again even that is a cycle, but that is not a discussion for now.)

Creative mermaids is about living a creative and vibrant life as defined by you. More importantly were mermaids, we dive deep. This is not surface level stuff here. This is about going above and beyond. Or deep into the darkness.

And because of that we know how important it is to refill your well. You cant pour from an empty glass, but we do. We spit into it or open our veins and bleed into it. I know, I have done this. It requires actual vigilance on my part to stop it. I said it before and Ill say it again. Motherhood kicked my ass. Self care? HA! My self care was taking care of my kids. Because I loved them more than myself. Therefore sacrificing everything I was to care for them was exactly what was called for right?

Hmm not exactly. All I did was make myself miserable and then feel bad that I could ever feel sad about dedicating myself 100% to my children. Because thats what good mothers do right?

Thats the part where my voice gets rather shrill. Heh, heh.

And so when I woke up one day and found that the woman that I thought was dead was just in fact on life support I began the crawl out and back to me.

And this is my first big project for Creative Mermaids. I have my motorcycle memoir books out, and a few journals out now under creative mermaids, but this is my first project where I am working with other people and is something that I have always dreamed of doing. Hosting a retreat where the focus is healing and creativity and coming back to you.

Because I honestly believe that no matter how broken we feel, it is just that, a feeling. Even if we feel completely lost, convinced we’ve bleed ourselves dry, we haven’t! Our souls are not gone. Maybe they are taking a much needed vacation from our bodies and just hovering around us because inside is just too much freaking pain. But they are there!

And that is my long winded way of saying this retreat is for everybody! If you feel that things are hopeless and therefore it cant or wont help then I would beg of you to attend. Because that is when you need it the most! And maybe at first you only get a little flame, but it will grow into a raging fire. And that is my goal. I want you to light up from inside out! To be filled with a burning desire to create and live the vibrant and creative life you deserve!

And when you need to, there is always the cooling depths that you can dive deep into. There is always more work to be done!

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