We have all been there. Just as it is hard sometimes to stop the Bigger Faster More ego train, it can be just as hard to stop the comparison game.

No matter how intent we are on staying in our lane, our eyes stray and we start to believe someone else has it easier, better or just has plain more.

And who can blame us! In this world of social media it is no longer just celebrities we oggle and wonder how they do it as we dream of ourselves in their lives. Suddenly EVERYONE seems to have it better and easier than you. (Just one carefully cropped and the perfect filter applied away).

Today Kate and Sherrie conclude season 1 of Creative Spirits with a candid talk about not just what it takes to go out and have the life of your dreams (spoiler alert: a lot of making your own luck and refusing to accept defeat!) but also the importance of recognizing that there is always a human behind the presented life. And no matter how good the life looks like from the outside, or how good it is, it is not without its pain, and the good parts are never beyond anyone’s reach!

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