First Dive Journal: A Guided Journal To Get Past Creative Blocks

Creative Mermaids are not afraid of the depths. We dive deep here.

Looking for a guided journal that helps you with questions on how to start diving beneath the surface?

The guided journal prompts in this book aim at helping you become the best possible you as defined by you. We are constantly bombarded with images and information on who and how we should be. The deep dive series of workbooks and journals help you work past the expectations you have accepted from others and instead to look to your own.

The first dive is a gentle one. This journal looks at five areas meant to be examined over a five day period:

What you want
Why you want it
Who is inspiring and influencing you
As well as where and when you need to work on your goals and desires to align them with you are.

Designed as a five-day challenge with support from the Creative Mermaids Facebook group, each question is followed with space to journal and provides a daily check-in with a gratitude practice and ideas to revisit.

After the five-day journal challenge, the rest of the journal is empty pages with a mermaid motif on each page. This allows you to go deeper into the questions or journal about something else completely.

Creative mermaids believe life is messy and wonderful and painful and phenomenal. We try to keep in mind not just the diamond, but the coal. Creative mermaids know that as desirable as being a diamond is, the coal must be terrified of the process to become one. Coal, as it is at that moment, ceases to exist. At Creative Mermaids, we know that everyone has the ability to be a diamond, but given the sacrifice required to become one, we understand why it is such a difficult journey. We also know that the journey is where the creative process is the richest.

Our motto is from Anais Ninn and it is “Perfection is static and I am in full motion.” We respect the process here and work with it instead of against it. (Ok, we mostly work with it! See above, we are in full motion!)

We don’t believe in surface level, fluffy “get rich quick and find ultimate happiness forever” schemes around here. We believe in hard work and adventure!

You too? Let’s do this!