Welcome Creative Mermaids!

Like mermaids, this is not surface level stuff here. We are not afraid of the depths. We dive deep here. Creative mermaids believe life is messy and wonderful and painful and phenomenal. We try to keep in mind not just the diamond, but the coal. Creative mermaids know that as desirable as a being a diamond is, the coal must be terrified of the process to become one. Coal, as it is at that moment, ceases to exist. At Creative Mermaids, we know that everyone has the ability to be a diamond, but given the sacrifice required to become one, we understand why few complete the journey. We also know that diamonds are not forever. Our motto is from Anais Ninn and it is “Perfection is static and I am in full motion.” Being a diamond is something to strive for, you will even become one, but life is a cycle just like the seasons and it never ends. We respect the process here and work with it instead of against it. (Ok, we mostly work with it! See above, we are in full motion!)

I did a little video for you guys as well. It is raw. But then so are we! At Creative Mermaids I believe in sharing the journey, the whole of it, not just the polished part of it!

In summary, we don’t believe in surface level, fluffy “get rich quick and find ultimate happiness forever” schemes around here. We believe in hard work and adventure!

You too? Let’s do this!

And do not forget to get your copy of the Creative Mermaids Bibliotherapy Guide To Life!

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