Category: video

The Regular & Spiritual Practice Of Words To Wisdom

Episode 2 Creative Spirits is out! The Regular & Spiritual Practice Of Words To Wisdom

Learning to lean in and surrender to spirit can be one of the greatest gifts our spiritual practice can give us.

The Messy Middle is something that Sherrie has often worked with in the Creative Mermaids ( read all about it in the September 2017 issue of Badassery and through it she discovered the importance of a regular spiritual practice in getting through the dissolved goo of the cocoon phase.

In this episode we go further in to not just the acceptance of the messy middle but also its importance in the cycles of life. Part of the wounds to wisdom growth is working through the shit and pain of our life not as a deterrent to, but rather an essential component of, becoming a woman and actualized person working from a space of power. The cost might be our innocence but the reward is a person working within their shadow and light. I want to help bring that power back into people’s lives!

The book on the Inanna descent mentioned in this podcast is

Journey To The Dark Goddess

And highly recommended for any woman ready to reclaim her life and titles for herself.

And if you are ready to stop putting your life on hold and make the plunge to start living your life to the fullest, talk to Kate or me! Kate offers moon mentoring and healing sessions and I (Sherrie) offer mentoring and coaching to get you writing and living the life you deserve rather than the one you accept. And both of our sessions are included in the free trial of the Creative & Vibrant Living Virtual Retreat! If you are ready to stop putting your creativity last get the retreat and the tools to start building your creative life today get the retreat and start the process to returning to self!

Last Day For February Badass Bundle!

Today’s the last day to get the badass February bundle special!

Wondering if this can help you or not?

This is for you IF

You want to restart your creative life and it has stalled.

You have no idea where to start.

You would love to try a coach but it terrifies you. The commitment, the face time, the “what if I hate it and I have no idea how to tell this person and I need to suffer through it for months on end!”

The feeling you have tired all of this before. How can I possibly add anything else?

Then not only can I help, but together we can get you back on the path to creating and working with the messy middle rather than fighting it!

Let’s take overwhelm to embracing a radiant and creative life!

And if you are not sure if we are a match, then check out any one or all of these two taste tests!

If reading is your jam check out my interview with the amazing Mariella on her Wordsmith site.

Interview with Wordsmith


Or you can listen to my interview with the fantabolous (yes, thats a word!) Samantha Parker here on the Badassery magazine website.



Find out all about the messy middle in my session from The Creative & Vibrant Living Virtual Retreat.


The session is free for free, as in no credit card required for sign up truly free!

Grab a journal on Kindle Unlimited if you have it! The First Dive that helps you start to build out the questions you need to ask yourself or the Mama Creative First Dive, specifically for mamas!

And if you read this far I have a secret for you! Maybe you are on the fence. So don’t be!
Jump on Marielle’s email list (given at the bottom of the interview) and take

advantage of the freebie codes she has! They are only good until the end of April, and you can get the Bye Bye Writer’s Block course for free and get a code for half off of any of my courses: including my coaching!


And this is what the coaching is about!


This is the coaching I wish I had had when I started out. Even though most people assume I am an extrovert because I can bubble over with passion, it is that very passion that leaves me terrified of set phone times.


Although the internet has allowed us this amazing place to connect anywhere in the world in real time, the very thought of internet failure or a time zone fail had me refusing to offer my services for a long time.


And yet I felt the call to help people through their messy middles. That not enough people talk about what happens in that phase. Too many focus on the spectacular results of caterpillar and the butterfly, and then too many people feel that when the dissolving is too much they have failed themselves.


I want to talk more about that. I want you to know that is where the wisdom is. That is where you are wrapped in a cocoon, even if you yourself do not know it at the time.


I once read a great quote, if it isn’t ok it isn’t over.


I want to help you through that, and get you creating again.


At your time when you need it.  You express what you want to share.


And I give you my reply back with your homework.

This is not for people who want to cure just simple writer’s block. I am not going to give 101 prompts to fight your block. This is life and making creativity the center of it.

And since I really do not want money to ever be a factor, and you really can not afford it then do me and you a huge favor.



Jump on Kindle Unlimited and get my journals for free. And if you do not have KU, these journals are never more than 4.99 in ebook form. And I often have the need of reviewers to review them for free. So email me and ask!

I have your back either way!



Badassery Magazine Interview! Messy Middles & Living On A Sailboat!

Also! today’s the last day to get the badass February bundle special!

Wondering if this can help you or not?

This is for you IF

  1. You want to restart your creative life and it has stalled.
  2. You have no idea where to start.
  3. You would love to try a coach but it terrifies you. The commitment, the face time, the “what if I hate it and I have no idea how to tell this person and I need to suffer through it for months on end!”
  4. The feeling you have tired all of this before. How can I possibly add anything else?

Then not only can I help, but together we can get you back on the path to creating and working with the messy middle rather than fighting it!

Let’s take overwhelm to embracing a radiant and creative life!


Why You Shouldn’t Quit

Putting together the creative and vibrant living retreat has been such an eye opening experience for me. I love it and yet it has had me face a lot of my own fears and blocks. Things I never even realized I had buried!

This week my video is about why you shouldn’t give up. Too often we walk into a crowded arena and squeak out a hello, then when we hear nothing back we scurry out seeing that as defeat.


Start going up to other people. Say hello.

If they are not interested keep on going.

It is creating from the messy middle. Not everyone is where you are. Some people are scared too. They are frantic. Do not take on their shit. Just move on.

You are enough guys. Just remember it does come easy!

Meditation As A Busy Mama

My Tuesday update is coming late this week! But it is so worth it. I have been busy getting the retreat together and finishing up some of the last interviews. Mermaids, it is so good!

We talked about meditation as busy mamas and I walked away with so many things I could start applying right now in real life! This retreat is so worth it just from the amazing insights I have gotten from speaking to these amazing women!!!

You can check out Julie’s book From Crappy To Happy Shake Off Stress & Rediscover Your Mama Mojo just by clicking that link!

So here is my weekly video update:

And I just have to include the extended version right here! But you need to sign up for the retreat to hear the whole thing!


#IamaDaredevil Thank you Candis Hickman for both offering me my dare as well as holding space for female entrepreneurs to step up and move beyond their comfort zones in their life and business. My dare was a video talking about life and love and business on the open seas. Here it is!

Let it never be said I turned down my my dare!

And if you haven’t checked out the dare devil sisterhood yet you really should!

Virtual Retreat on Creativity & Healing: Because You Deserve It!

So excited about this and the speakers. I want this retreat to be something that everyone can afford. And for those who are ready I want to stoke the fires within and have you bursting out fully rejuvenated.

But you know what.

If you are just tired, and exhausted, and although you may long for that ability to burn alive maybe you just want to not feel like crying.

And I get that. That is what Creative Mermaids is about. It is about the truth, Not just the shiny end where everyone is dancing about in their full power and life (and again even that is a cycle, but that is not a discussion for now.)

Creative mermaids is about living a creative and vibrant life as defined by you. More importantly were mermaids, we dive deep. This is not surface level stuff here. This is about going above and beyond. Or deep into the darkness.

And because of that we know how important it is to refill your well. You cant pour from an empty glass, but we do. We spit into it or open our veins and bleed into it. I know, I have done this. It requires actual vigilance on my part to stop it. I said it before and Ill say it again. Motherhood kicked my ass. Self care? HA! My self care was taking care of my kids. Because I loved them more than myself. Therefore sacrificing everything I was to care for them was exactly what was called for right?

Hmm not exactly. All I did was make myself miserable and then feel bad that I could ever feel sad about dedicating myself 100% to my children. Because thats what good mothers do right?

Thats the part where my voice gets rather shrill. Heh, heh.

And so when I woke up one day and found that the woman that I thought was dead was just in fact on life support I began the crawl out and back to me.

And this is my first big project for Creative Mermaids. I have my motorcycle memoir books out, and a few journals out now under creative mermaids, but this is my first project where I am working with other people and is something that I have always dreamed of doing. Hosting a retreat where the focus is healing and creativity and coming back to you.

Because I honestly believe that no matter how broken we feel, it is just that, a feeling. Even if we feel completely lost, convinced we’ve bleed ourselves dry, we haven’t! Our souls are not gone. Maybe they are taking a much needed vacation from our bodies and just hovering around us because inside is just too much freaking pain. But they are there!

And that is my long winded way of saying this retreat is for everybody! If you feel that things are hopeless and therefore it cant or wont help then I would beg of you to attend. Because that is when you need it the most! And maybe at first you only get a little flame, but it will grow into a raging fire. And that is my goal. I want you to light up from inside out! To be filled with a burning desire to create and live the vibrant and creative life you deserve!

And when you need to, there is always the cooling depths that you can dive deep into. There is always more work to be done!

Exciting News On Visibility And Wellness!

Hello mermaids!

Things have been crazy busy around here! In addition to sailing around the Bay of Biscay (amazing high: DOLPHINS! amazing low: Scary scary waves!) there are two great events coming up I want to tell you about!

The first is Michelle Lewis’s Visibility Summit.

I love Michelle and I am in her Mastermind group, so when she said she was doing this I got super excited! The above is an affiliate link so if you upgrade I will get a percentage. BUT it is also totally free to join, upgrading gives you more materials and access after the summit is over.

Look for more details next week!

Also, Creative Mermaids is going to be hosting a virtual retreat come the end of September! Much like the Visibility Summit it will be free with the ability to upgrade. Mark September 29th until October 1st in your calendars! (Or book it off with google, I am old school and will be hitting up my Desire Map Planner!) ;P

Me talking about the summit in my rambly need to get more practice in way! (But I am still doing these weekly for the win!)

Lots of love!
