Category: video

Coaching For Introverts & Mama’s: All The Fun & None Of The Constraints

I have been asked about coaching. And I have fought it. I fought it because I am a busy mama and an introvert. I am one of those deceptive introverts. I love people. I love to go out and socialize. But then I come back and hibernate. I need me time. And so I never realized before just how introverted I was.

Except when it came to phone calls. They terrify me. I don’t know why. I’ll meet you for coffee. But preferably when I can be late. Because I have small children who sideline me. And when I get a moment I just want to breathe deep. Not rush off.

And then I had a thought. I live in a time when timezones no longer matter. Why not offer direct coaching without the time constraints. Instead of Face to Face meetings I can offer coaching over email and recorded messages and video. You do not get instantaneous coaching. But you do get it when you need it. So you send your message or email at 3 am, I respond within 48 hours with my reply.

I obviously need to refine this a little, but I am excited to find a solution I want to share and that I think others want!

My awkward first attempt to talk about it! 😉

It Is A Process

Danielle La Port has a great truthbomb that says “excessive expectations block fulfillment”. I love it. It is so true. And I often have to remind myself of this. There are days when I get so stressed out because I am not doing enough. And yet when I look around what else would I be striving for? This is the lesson I need to learn over and over again!

This weeks video: super short but the practice is in the showing up. And reminding myself that I am doing enough. That I need to live and enjoy my real life as well as the life I am building towards.

Danielle La Porte

How Do You Get Things Done With Kids Around? My Truth!

Sometimes you just can not! Example below!

During these times I try to laugh. Depending on how good the week is going (as in above) I can laugh and love these moments. Bad weeks I can cry and get frustrated. Stomp my feet in a way that reminds me of my kids!

The only way I can really get work done is to enlist help. Before we moved onto a sailboat kita (German daycare) was a sanity saver. Now, I need to get daddy to take the kiddies to the beach and I either stay onboard or I head to a coffee shop. Very rare is the ability to get work done while sharing space with my kids.

That is the truth. If my kids are around I can forget about getting any real work done unless I slap TV on for them. If anyone has found a way to work in the same space as their children I would love to hear it!

And this was the video I was trying to get done! It was for a challenge in a group on why we do what we do. You might also enjoy it. My story as to why “The Creative Mermaids”.

Jump Off Of The Hamster Wheel Of Self Doubt And Comparison

I know that we have all been there! I still go there. I wander online in search of some needed advice and go down a rabbit hole of self-doubt and comparison. Somehow I come away not knowing anything other than I am not fast enough or nearly productive enough!

I regularly have to reset myself. It’s about a 3-month cycle for me. 😄 I find journaling really helps. Because it is a fine line between resistance and taking a break. I have to make the effort to check in with myself and what I want. I also like to see if I still want my original goal. And often I find that I’m on the right path and following it still makes me happy. I want to keep doing the work but I’m feeling pressure to “have this done as of yesterday.”

And that doesn’t work. It is the journey we want to be on. Trying to speed things up does not help us. Looking at others does not help us. And far worse, we end up making ourselves crazy doing something that was supposed to make us avoid the crazy to begin with!

And do not forget to get your copy of the Creative Mermaids Bibliotherapy Guide To Life!

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Starting to Dive Deep

Paperback on Amazon and free digital copy in the group!

We like to dive deep but that means thinking about why we believe the things we do. With a dive deep journal challenge coming up I wanted to start bringing up some of the ideas we need to start thinking about in order to do our mermaid dives!

A big one is The Golden Cage. Sometimes known as golden handcuffs. The short of it is that we often allow what looks shiny on the outside (especially to others) to influence us. The result is that we make decisions that make us unhappy at best and miserable at worst but hey, other people think we have it great so it must be a good thing! Right? Oh so wrong!

And do not forget to get your copy of the Creative Mermaids Bibliotherapy Guide To Life!

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Stop Judging Your Comfort Zone!

This week’s video is about our comfort zone. And more importantly: STOP JUDGING YOURS.

Creative Mermaids is a judgment-free space. That means you do not get to beat up yourself either! It is true that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. But the key word here is YOUR. Not mine. Not some internet marketer. No one else but you. Be it that you are jumping out of a plane or just hitting publish on that blogpost. No one gets to judge you. Not even you.