Category: Uncategorized

Resistance & Fear: The Struggle Is Real

Resistance, fear, drama in your life. No matter what you call it or how you see it, there is often a little gremlin that pops up whenever we try to change. It whispers that the change is too big, we will never be able to do it. You are a low worm wiggling about the dirt just dreaming about being a bird soaring about the mountain. Then another voice pops up and says “the only way you can soar like that is if you are in the bird’s mouth and it is eating you on the run.”

I want to tell you to stop it but that would be heaping one more unfair expectation on you. No one ever gets rid of this completely. Some people hide it better. And with time and practice the noise gets less loud, less believable. It becomes more that annoying relative you know you need to see a couple of times a year but no longer has the power to terrorize you like they did as a kid. Or the well-meaning loved one who only wants to protect you but has confused prison with safety.

Instead, I want to tell you not to give up. Setbacks are not the same as being defeated. And no matter how big or impossible something is, it is only so because we are thinking about swallowing it whole. And we can’t do it in one shot. It takes a lot of tiny steps. And each and every one of those is valid and essential. The sprints, the pauses, the sliding back.

You know why we all love a classic hero’s journey story? Because the hero gets out of the messy middle. The messy middle we are so afraid to look at and deal with.

The very messy middle that so many of us believe is why we can not succeed. When, in fact, it is getting through that gunk that is exactly what success is!

So let me know what is blocking you! What are your biggest struggles! Come join us in the FB group and get the support!

How Do I Plan My Week? Welcome To Set It Up Sunday

The first week of the July Accountability Dive is over! Tomorrow starts a new week! It will be less intense. One thing I do find is that setting up my week on Sunday helps gives the rest of my week focus. Instead of reacting to things I am actively moving towards things. And if I review my previous week I can see where some of my pitfalls are.

So here is to Set it Up Sunday! What is an intention you would like to carry into next week?

As always you can join us in the FB group and if you missed the deep dive you can always sign up to have the challenge delivered straight to your inbox! Link below!

Day 3 Of July Accountability Dive

Having support in your life is huge. No one exists in a vacuum. This is why mindset and regular check-ins are so important.

Part of your check-ins should include how you feel about what was said to you during the day. Did you feel supported? If so wonderful! How do you encourage more of that in your life?

If not then what do you need to do differently? What do you need to ask for?

Keeping track of who influences you and how can have a massive impact on your productivity as well as your overall well-being.

Sometimes we don’t realize just how harmful some of the comments we see are until we slow down and make note of them.

Same with our media influences. I feel much better about myself since I stopped reading Glamour and instead starting following Vivenne McMaster and her Instagram feed.

Watch what you let influence you and see how it does! It is the beginning of a massive change!

And as always sign up here in you want them direct in your inbox!

Celebrate Your Wins: ALL of Them

Come join us in the FB group and share and celebrate all your wins! Like this video and post talks about too often we are made to feel like we are not doing enough.

Fuck that shit my friends!

If getting a shower was your big win for the day, then jump in and share it. If you are massively proud of something but are afraid to sound like you are bragging it is simply not so! We want to hear about it and support you! Come join us!

Come join us in the Facebook group!

And do not forget to get your copy of the Creative Mermaids Bibliotherapy Guide To Life!

Why Do We Need To Question What We Want?

In preparation of the upcoming Dive Deep challenge I made a video talking about why such a dive is even necessary.

Guys, seriously, it is no wonder we have no idea what we want or how to achieve our goals. We have been told since we were conscious how to feel and why what we do feel is so often wrong.

Check it out here:

And do not forget to get your copy of the Creative Mermaids Bibliotherapy Guide To Life!

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Accountability For Creatives In Our Free Facebook Group!

Looking for a place that is part accountability partner and part mastermind? Then come join us in the Creative Mermaids Facebook group! We don’t believe in surface level, fluffy “get rich quick and find ultimate happiness forever” schemes around here. We believe in hard work and adventure!

You too? Let’s do this!

In short: This is a place to be inspired, held accountable and is a safe space for you to talk about all aspects of your creative projects. (Because life does not exist in a vacuum!) Creative is our life. Maybe we make money from it, maybe we hope to, and maybe we are crushing it. But no matter what financial hopes and plans we have for our creative projects, we know that without them we would cease to exist.

Sound like you? Awesome! Welcome!!!!!

Then come join us!


And do not forget to get your copy of the Creative Mermaids Bibliotherapy Guide To Life!

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On The Fear Of Quitting

Creative Mermaids is about going deeper and looking past easy explanations. And knowing when to quit (& just as importantly when not to) is not always a question with an easy answer. In today’s video we talk a little about why we shoudn’t be afraid to try new things but also to walk away when they were not what we had expected.

Welcome Creative Mermaids!

Welcome Creative Mermaids!

Like mermaids, this is not surface level stuff here. We are not afraid of the depths. We dive deep here. Creative mermaids believe life is messy and wonderful and painful and phenomenal. We try to keep in mind not just the diamond, but the coal. Creative mermaids know that as desirable as a being a diamond is, the coal must be terrified of the process to become one. Coal, as it is at that moment, ceases to exist. At Creative Mermaids, we know that everyone has the ability to be a diamond, but given the sacrifice required to become one, we understand why few complete the journey. We also know that diamonds are not forever. Our motto is from Anais Ninn and it is “Perfection is static and I am in full motion.” Being a diamond is something to strive for, you will even become one, but life is a cycle just like the seasons and it never ends. We respect the process here and work with it instead of against it. (Ok, we mostly work with it! See above, we are in full motion!)

I did a little video for you guys as well. It is raw. But then so are we! At Creative Mermaids I believe in sharing the journey, the whole of it, not just the polished part of it!

In summary, we don’t believe in surface level, fluffy “get rich quick and find ultimate happiness forever” schemes around here. We believe in hard work and adventure!

You too? Let’s do this!

And do not forget to get your copy of the Creative Mermaids Bibliotherapy Guide To Life!

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